Thursday, February 19, 2015

Swim Set of the Week: Feb. 16-22

This week's swim set of the week builds upon one from a few weeks ago. I like workouts like this because they give me a chance to measure progress while also building strength and endurance. I did this workout yesterday and loved it. It was hard but doable. By the end I was certainly tired and thanking the swim gods I didn't have to complete any more rounds.

Because it's cold and I miss this pool

200 swim, 200 kick, 200 drill, 200 pull
This is continuous and all easy. 

Pre-Main Set
150 @ 2:30
100 @ 1:40
50 @ :50
50 kick, 100 drill, 50 kick
This set isn't intended to be hard or easy. I think of this as a medium type of set, intending to bring your heart rate up a little and get you ready to work.

Main Set
4 rounds of
1 x 50 @ 1:00
8 x 50 @ :45
Essentially you are doing 36 50's. The first 50 of each round is your recovery and chance to rest. I swam the harder 50's in :36 seconds each, giving me around 10 seconds rest. Choose an interval that you can maintain for all four rounds and gives you 10 seconds rest. These should be at a good clip but not all out.

Cool Down
200 easy

Total yards: 3,300

Happy swimming!

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