Thursday, June 23, 2011

Almost There

First off, go check out Janae's blog for an AWESOME giveaway.

I went for my last run today before my 5K on Sunday and it felt great. I am getting faster with each run I do, plus I am feeling stronger. I did a quick 2 miles this evening and couldn't stop smiling the whole time because I felt so good. I seriously wish all of my runs were like that. The best part about this run was that it was supposed to be an easy shake-out run. I didn't feel like I was running too hard but I was flying. I think the cross training is really helping.

The only problem is that the inside of my lower legs is very sore. I have noticed that this happens when I run hills. It hurts to touch the bone so I iced for awhile and did some stretching but I am looking for something else to try. I do not want to go see a professional because I do not think this is anything that serious. I am just looking for some suggestions to help. Any ideas?

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