Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Track Tuesday

After two tiring workouts on Monday my body was pretty tired yesterday. In fact, it still is. I went to yoga yesterday morning and had a track workout scheduled for last night. My legs felt so sluggish just walking around my house that I was really doubting my ability to do any kind of workout. The track is located right by my normal running trail so I figured I would give the workout a shot and if my legs weren't having it then I would do an easy run on the trail. I drank a bottle of nuun, charged up my ipod, and was on my way.

When I got to the track the first thing I saw was a pickup game of soccer being played on the field inside the track. I debated whether to just go the trail then but wanted to at least give the workout a shot. Since my legs weren't feeling in prime condition I opted for more of a sprinting workout with short sprints and long recoveries.

1 mile warm up
400 sprint, 800 recovery

My warm up mile felt comfortable but was noticeably slower than normal. My legs didn't feel too bad so the workout was on. I tried to remind myself that the goal was to push myself even if my times were slower than normal. It was incredibly hot outside too which didn't help.

I was shocked with how this workout turned out. My legs showed up ready to run fast last night and that is exactly what they did. I contemplated skipping the workout because I thought my legs were tired but clearly that was not the case. It's funny how the mind can trick us into thinking we are less capable than we really are.

I did this same workout back in June when my legs were feeling fresh. Here's those splits vs. last night's splits:

June 20
1:52 (7:09), 1:44 (6:59), 1:40 (6:40)
I forgot to hit lap after the second repeat so I don't have that split. My best pace during the entire run was 6:24

July 17
1:40 (6:46), 1:38 (6:23), 1:36 (6:22), 1:36 (6:26), fastest pace 5:59

My first repeat last night was the same at my fastest repeat the first time! Makes me wonder what I could on fresh legs. I want to take a quick second to brag about seeing a pace sub-6:00 for the first time as well. Never something I thought was possible.

1 comment :

  1. Good job! I haven't been on the track in way too long and the little bit of speed work I do is on the treadmill cause of the heat. I really need more speed work..
