Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Think I'm Starting to Like Cycling

I have always liked biking. As a kid my dad would always take my sister and I on long bike rides on this great trail that runs from Hunt Valley, Maryland into York, Pennsylvania. We would go out for the whole day and stop for ice cream half way through. We also do a lot of bike riding when we go to the beach every year. I like biking for fun at super slow paces as a way to explore and enjoy nature.

What I have not always been a fan of is cycling indoors. When I had surgery a few years ago I would ride a stationary bike for two hours during swim practice every day for over a month. My coach would walk by and tell me in increase the resistance and ride harder. While I didn't mind the stationary bike at the time, I have never had a strong desire to get back on one.

After I got my hybrid bike last spring I fell back in love with biking outdoors. I didn't like going for many rides by myself but I loved going with my dad in the evening. He is the perfect company and is right around my pace. After last summer I was really excited to do my first triathlon. I got a trainer for Christmas that I took to my apartment at school so I could do rides during the winter.

With all of the beautiful weather we have been having lately I had been craving to get outside using every excuse possible. The only problem is that I don't live in an area conducive to riding outside and I am too much of a baby to scope out somewhere to ride nearby.

That means that all of my training rides have to be done inside on my trainer. My first ride was miserable. My butt hurt and I was bored in the first few minutes. I didn't have much hope for my other rides but I knew I needed to get them done if I seriously wanted to do this triathlon.

But lately I have actually really been enjoying my trainer rides. While my butt still hurts as soon as I get on the bike I have not been getting insanely bored. My legs feel refreshed and happy after my rides.

I never thought I would say that I like doing trainer rides but I do! Good thing I have many more to look forward to. I am hoping that this means that I am going to enjoy riding outside that much more. Only six more weeks of school!

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