Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What I'm Thankful For

Since Thanksgiving is only two days away I thought it would be a good time to really give thanks for all of the wonderful things in my life. Of course I am thankful for more than what is listed here, but these are just the main things.

I am thankful for my boyfriend. I have the more supportive boyfriend I could ever ask for. Every minute we spend together is perfect to me and I love absolutely everything about him. I am thankful for all the wonderful things he does for me. He has been with me through some really tough times but has always been there for me. I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with him again this year and then celebrate the holiday season together.

I decorated his room for our one year anniversary. That would be 4,000 post-its

I am thankful for my athletic ability. I have had a bit of a rough journey throughout my athletic history but I am ultimately thankful that I am able to run, and swim, and do so many things that I wasn't sure if I would do again. I am so grateful for all the things that I can do and I try to never take any of those things for granted.

I am thankful for the new friends I have made at UMBC. I am a really shy person so I tend to struggle to make friends in new settings. One of the goals I set for myself going into this semester was to make a big effort to be more outgoing. While I'm not calling anyone my best friend yet, I am loving the small group of friends that I have to talk to about anything.

I am thankful for my family. I have had my ups and downs with my family but after my dad's cancer diagnosis around this time last year I have really grown to appreciate my family more. They are supportive of me and are always there for me when I need them.

I am thankful for my puppy. My boyfriend gave me a puppy for Christmas two years ago and she is the best puppy I could ask for. She is so playful and always puts me in a better mood. I love that she will love me unconditionally and never judge me no matter what. Plus she is really darn cute.

Oh, hey Gracie. Thanks for hogging my bed

I am thankful for the confidence running has given me. I have really struggled with self-esteem issues since I was a young teenager but running has helped me gain confidence. It makes me feel powerful and strong, and allows me to do something that I love without any pressure.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?


  1. Sorry for the distraction from your thankful post, but 4,000 post it notes?! That is so adorable. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. That post-it decor is unreal!! I thought it was some kind of photoshop project when I first saw the picture!!

  3. I love this list. And, as the other commenters have said - the post its are incredible!
